April began as the month of fools but revelations from the leaked Panama Papers and multiple natural disasters quickly turned to things more serious.
Natural disaster's struck both Japan and Ecuador with aftershocks following and adding to the extensive causalities. Following the attacks on both Paris and Brussels security forces in Europe managed to track down multiple suspects who were caught and charged. Meanwhile, the refugee crisis was back in the news as European leaders tried to prevent more refugees spreading into Europe while the cause of the mass migration, ISIS, saw their strong holds coming under renewed attack.
The leak known as the Panama Papers revealed the secret hiding place where high profiled individuals and politicians kept their cash leading to resignations, indignation and multiple investigations. In the business world VW reported major losses as the emissions scandal and it's penalties ate away at profits.
The entertainment industry once again saw beloved artist passing away with the likes of singer Prince and the WWE's Chyna to TV's Doris Roberts. While we lost some celebrities others saw their fame fading as the Bill Cosby sexual assault cases continued.
The battle between Apple and FBI fizzled out when the FBI managed to gain access to the controversial iPhone via alternative means. Elsewhere cyber criminals were sentenced to prison for their creations.