January saw Donald Trump being sworn into office as the 45th President of the United States after winning the electoral college. Things however haven't been smooth sailing for Donald.
The Lackluster Ceremony
The inauguration itself was a lack luster affair with empty stands along the Presidential Motorcade and smaller crowds at the National Mall than previous inaugurations. There were also plenty of protests around the country with hundreds being arrested on the day itself. Photo's comparing Donald's inauguration to Obama's show the stark difference in crowd size. This didn't go unnoticed by Donald who spent the first few days in charge complaining about the numbers and the media for reporting them.
World Wide Protests
The day after the inauguration there were protests around the world as people took to the streets for Women's Marches decrying Donald's previous remarks about women. The protests featured women of all ages taking a stand and celebrities from Hollywood cheering on the crowds. Donald himself tweeted about the marches saying "Why didn’t these people vote?" forgetting he lost the popular vote, another sore point which has seen him claim irregularities in the vote.
So Far, So Bad
With only a few days in charge Donald has already signed multiple executive orders doing everything from attacking Obamacare to building a wall along the US-Mexico border. Donald has also made comments about using torture along with banning refugees and travelers from 7 mainly Muslim countries sparking world wide outrage.
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