The movie world delivered the goods ready for when award season swung round with the Golden Globes hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler while Ellen took to the stage again to host the The Oscars and set the record for the most re-tweeted selfie. The Cannes film festival had it's moments including some on the red carpet and the best of British was celebrated at the BAFTA's.
In the world of music MTV brought outrageous celebrity moments with the MTV Movie Award's and the MTV VMA's while the Emmys and Billboard Music Award's celebrated musical skill and talent.
Celebrities stood up for a cause this year including Emma Watson and her UN speech along with celebrities who supported the protests in Ferguson while the ALS ice bucket challenge saw celebrities getting wet for a good cause.
The world said good bye to many entertainers this year but it was the tragic loss of beloved icons that brought things back to reality with Robin Williams shocking the world when he took his own life and Philip Seymour Hoffman who died of an overdose. While some made news for their stellar work and activism others made news for all the wrong reasons with Bill Cosby being accused of rape by multiple women and Woody Allen being accused of child molestation by his daughter, Dylan.
Under Attack
Hollywood came to a screeching halt after numerous celebrities had their iCloud devices hacked and the private intimate photo's released onto the web. The hack affected many big names including Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and Rhianna with Jennifer breaking her silence calling the attack a "sex crime".
Sony Entertainment was brought to it's knees when it was hacked and sensitive information was leaked to the media revealing the dirty side of business in Hollywood. The attack was believed to have been carried out by North Korea who were infuriated by "The Interview" which depicted the assignation of it's leader Kim Jong-un. After threats were made the movie was pulled from release but later reinstated after an uproar from the public for giving in to terrorist threats.
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