27 November 2015

Have We Gone Too Far?

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The world looks to Paris again this week with the conference on Climate Change bringing the world together after Paris was torn apart.

The conference on climate change began a day earlier in Paris with world leaders including China's Xi set to give a speech with China using more coal than most nations and it's pollution reaching record levels while in Europe greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to record lows.
Meanwhile a tiny satellite is set to look at the world climate offenders while Bill Gates has bet $2billion to beat climate change.

20 November 2015

Where in the World - Paris Attacks

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The world was stunned with unprecedented attacks on the City of Lights from multiple gunmen and suicide bombers attacking multiple targets in Paris, France.


The attacks took place on Friday night with multiple attacks carried out by multiple terrorists. The attackers targeted people sitting outside Paris' famous cafe's and restaurants along with a music concert and a soccer game between France and Germany. Of the 130 that died many were attending a concert in Bataclan. Later it was discovered the attacks had been orchestrated by ISIS with the leader scurrying away.


Internationally there was condemnation from world leaders and pledges of support for France with condolences coming from all corners. After the initial attacks France began a man hunt for the terrorists that escaped along with neighbouring nations. The manhunt resulted in the organizer pinned down in an apartment block who eventually died along with others including a female cousin of his who set off a suicide vest she was wearing.

With such a brazen attack by ISIS France was left no choice but to intensify strikes on ISIS with a declaration of war with other world leaders calling for more action.

For more on the Evolving story make sure you Follow the Paris Attacks Storyboard.

13 November 2015

Battling on All Fronts

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This week we saw fights break out everywhere from the war against ISIS intensifying to fighting for mankind's survival.

The fight against ISIS intensified this week with targeted attacks against notorious executioner Jihadi John along with threats from ISIS against Russia for their involvement in the war.

The battle for mankind's survival continued with more calls for action from powerful figures like the Pope and Apple CEO Tim Cook. Recent studies into big energy providers has also shown they had been lying about their impact on the climate.

6 November 2015

Aviation Disasters

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This week we saw numerous aviation related disasters making headlines.

Sinai Desert

A Russian aircraft carrying 224 people crashed in the Sinai dessert in Egypt killing everyone aboard. The bodies of 164 passengers were flown to Saint Petersburg while a doctor claimed that bodies he examined were burnt indicating an explosion. The black box is now being examined which record unusual sounds before the plane disappeared.

South Sudan

25 people died after a Soviet-built cargo plane crashed moments after taking off in South Sudan.

United States

The U.S. Coast Guard have found 1 body after a plane crashed off the coast of New York. The debris appears to be from a 4-6 passenger Cessna-type aircraft.

Lastly we end with a Wal-mart manager who had to make an emergency landing on a road in Arkansas. Luckily the emergency parachute deployed allowing the aircraft to float to the ground where it collided with a truck.