January 2016 was much of the same with wars raging on and scandals engulfing the worlds of sports and entertainment.
The war against ISIS raged on with targeted attacks on leaders from all coalition forces sending ever more refugees fleeing to Europe while elsewhere terrorist attacks took place with Jakarta hit with bombings.
Weather wreaked havoc globally with blizzards hitting the East coast of America and flooding hitting Europe while the southern hemisphere was dried up with droughts spreading as far as South Africa.
Bitcoin had a bumpy start to the year losing one of it's head developers while the issue of taxation continued with stories of evasion and avoidance dominating. The aftermath of the VW emissions scandal continued to reverberate around the globe while the US Federal Reserve struggled with some tough decisions.
The world of tennis was rocked by accusations of match fixing casting a shadow over the Australian Open. The future of sports also made headlines with the Olympics on everyone's minds with concerns over the Zika virus to the price tag of the spectacle but it was the controversial past in the form of FIFA corruption that ultimately dragged everyone's hopes down with it.
Most of the talk in the entertainment world centered around awards with the Oscars and controversy over the lack of diversity surrounding the event. While the Oscars had major PR problems the Golden Globes went off without a hitch along with the Critics Choice Awards. Elsewhere the Grammy's managed to build interest while the Sundance Film Festival had everyone trekking to the famous frozen film festival.
Outside of major events we said goodbye to much loved icons in the industry with the deaths of celebrities like David Bowie and Alan Rickman along with Celine Dion's husband and then brother two days later. Other celebrities in the news include Bill Cosby who had a small victory when a lawsuit against him was dismissed after months of sexual assault allegations against him.
The world of technology and science saw Ebola making a come back after being declared over while cyber crimes made headway thanks to infections in various networks. The technology industry however saw Apple reporting some disappointing numbers while it's peers continued innovating.
In the world of style we saw Men's fashion take to the stage while Paris Couture Fashion Week kicked the year off to a fashionable start.
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