March ended with the all to familiar sound of explosions as Brussels was attacked by terrorists hell bent on destabilizing the world.
Brussels was attacked by terrorists claiming to be part of ISIS who detonated multiple bombs at the airport and subways killing over 30 people and injuring hundreds more. ISIS however saw it's strangle hold in Iraq and Syria slowly slipping away as the world continued to fight the oppressive regime. Elsewhere we saw the refuge crisis growing with European nations trying to hold back the influx of refuges while in Brazil protests raged on over a corruption scandal at the very highest office in the land.
The VW scandal continued in the business world with the US chief stepping down and lawsuits from investors. Multinational companies and their taxes were in the spotlight with European governments desperate to bring in more money instead of focusing on inefficiencies.
The FIFA corruption scandal grew with more allegations levied against those responsible while FIFA itself has said the scandal has affected it's bottom line and want money back from those responsible.
Controversy from the Oscar's held in February carried on into March with host Chris Rock taking flak for some of his jokes while one performer walked away with a smile on his face this month when Hulk Hogan one his legal battle against Gawker receiving over $115 million in compensation for his leaked sex tape.
The battle between Apple and the FBI fizzled out when an alternative third party presented an offer to the FBI to help crack the iPhone security, meanwhile cyber criminals finally met their match when the long arm of the law closed in on them while troubling news from west Africa shows that Ebola was making a come back with more cases reported.
Lastly Paris Fashion Week closed out the fashion week scene giving the beautiful people a chance to rest up for the second half of the year.
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