Half way through the year and things just got weird, from a mass shooting in the US to Britain leaving the EU not to mention violence at Euro 2016 and drama over the Olympics. Buckle in as we look back at June 2016.
Headline News
The month saw a mass shooting in Orlando, Florida sending sent shock waves around the world as the deadliest terror attack in US history since 9/11. Following the tragedy law makers in the US finally took a stance agreeing to vote on gun control measures but after 4 bills failed to pass the Democrats resorted to a sit in. Elsewhere in the world West Virginia was hit with massive flooding killing more than 20 people while China saw a tornado kill over 50 people.
The month ended with another shocking twist when Britain stunned the world by voting to leave the EU in the infamous Brexit vote. Following the vote markets tumbled around the globe.
Business News
The Brexit sent markets scurrying in the last half of the month with the British pound hitting a 30 year low and gold prices shooting up. In other news VW said they would pay diesel owners up to $7,000.00 to settle the emissions scandal.
Sports News
The Euro 2016 was marred by violence with fights breaking out between Russian and English fans with France threatening to deport Russian fans. The Rio Olympics also ran into problems with money issues, controversial banning of Russian athletes and the killing of a mascot.
Entertainment News
The Tony Awards made history with the cast of Hamilton taking top honors while the entertainment world lost a young actor, Anton Yelchin, in an unfortunate freak accident when he was crushed by his vehicle.The month ended with the BET Awards which held a tribute to Prince.
Technology News
Apple held it's annual WWDC where it revealed the new iOS10 and move from OS X to macOS while at Facebook Mark Zuckerburg fought to keep control of the company he created.
Style News
In the world of fashion it was the men's turn to shine as Paris featured Men's Fashion Weeks from Dior to Kenzo and more.