August has come and gone along with the biggest event in sports, the Olympics. This years Rio Olympics were undoubtedly the most controversial from athletes not attending to concerns about Zika and crime to the political climate in Brazil. There's no doubt this years Olympics was going to be talked about.
Breaking Records
There were clear favourites with Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt living up to the hype and setting new records and growing their medal counts. Surprises came in the form of younger unknown swimmers and new world records on the race tracks.
Breaking Bones
As with any event when you push yourself there are bound to be injuries. There were some scary crashes and dislocated elbows, Gymnasts snapped bones in their legs and divers seriously bruised their egos.
While certain aspects of Rio's instability did feature with muggings, shootings and green pools it was the Olympics itself which brought it's own controversy as the Russian's fought to have their athletes accepted and the Olympics torch itself came under threat. However, the Gold for most ludicrous controversy went to US swimmer Ryan Lochte.
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