So you're not making money? I'm in.
Snap chat reject a $3 billion offer from Facebook as they expect even more in the future.
Early bird picks up the bill
Timing the markets pays off showing that you could gain nearly 63% by buying a week after an IPO.
So much for ubuntu
South African government declares $3 billion (R30 billion) in "irregular spending" down from last years $3.3 billion. There have been no arrests of any government officials.
Money where his mouth is
Blair brings in the bucks raking in nearly £2600 a minute earning £150,000 for 2 half hour events.
Record breaking
A new record has been set by a Francis Bacon portrait of Lucian Freud sold on auction for $142 million.
Another 15 minutes
In another art world moment the Andy Warhol painting titled "Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster)" sold on auction for $104.5 million.
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