8 November 2013

Who's in the news? Rob Ford

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It seems leadership quality has reached questionable levels, but just how bad can it be? Well if you're in Toronto you might want to move.

4 words, sounds like "Mayor Ford smokes crack"

Reports surfaced months ago claiming Mayor Ford had been recorded smoking crack cocaine but the allegations were swept aside with the the video never surfacing. That is until this week when the police confirmed they had the infamous video setting the ball rolling once again on one of the political worlds most bizarre stories.


Sorry? Meh.

Since the allegations broke Mayor Ford's temper seems to have taken over with him spitting vitriol about the media only to later apologize for calling the media "A bunch of maggots". His attack on the media were followed by key members of his office either resigning or being fired.

Sobriety, I'll drink to that

Don't let it be said Mayor Ford needs crack for a good time, in fact you can find him blind drunk wandering around during street festivals. But don't fret if you miss your chance to see him on the streets, he is known for his "drunk stupors".

Web 2.doh!

Knowing the incriminating video existed, Mayor Ford's communications director apparently hired a hacker to delete the video from the site hosting the file.

The "You can't make me" argument

Even after admitting to smoking crack cocaine, Mayor Ford insisted on remaining in office and even joined in with "Take Our Kids to Work Day" the day after admitting to his actions.

Hulk smash, Hulk baaarrrrffff!

With everything crumbling around him a new video has surfaced of Mayor Ford, either drunk or high, beating his chest claiming "I'm a sick Mother Fucker!"

Where does he go from here?

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